Each Weirdoz and Weirderoz earns partner tokens every day. These tokens are attached to the NFT, and can be extracted by the current owner of the NFT. Exctraction is done with a multi-sig transaction on our rewards page.
The WeirdOZ collection is categorized into ten different tiers with each tier consisting of five different Character traits. For example, tier 1 consists of Wicked Witch of the West, Scarecrow, Jack Pumpkinhead, Cowardly Lion, and Tin Woodman. If you hold all of the different characters from a tier, you can unlock multipliers for your rewards.

If you hold a full tier plus a WeirderOZ NFT that matches the tier, you will boost your multiplier even further.

Holding a 1/1 WeirdOz (Old One: Chaos) and a 1/1 WeirderOz (Old One: Chaos) will unlock the maximum Mega Multiplier of 3.5x.

When determining the base multiplier, we take the highest multiplier determined by the WeirdOZ full tiers and WeirderOZ combo. The tier multipliers do not stack with each other. This base multiplier applies to all of the tokens you exctract. Partner multipliers will stack on top of this base multiplier up to a maximum of 3.5x.
- Full Tier 1:1.05x+WeirderOZ Tier 1:1.1x
- Full Tier 2:1.1x+WeirderOZ Tier 2:1.2x
- Full Tier 3:1.15x+WeirderOZ Tier 3:1.3x
- Full Tier 4:1.2x+WeirderOZ Tier 4:1.4x
- Full Tier 5:1.25x+WeirderOZ Tier 5:1.5x
- Full Tier 6:1.3x+WeirderOZ Tier 6:1.6x
- Full Tier 7:1.35x+WeirderOZ Tier 7:2.0x
- Full Tier 8:1.4x+WeirderOZ Tier 8:2.25x
- Full Tier 9:1.45x+WeirderOZ Tier 9:2.5x
- Full Tier X:1.5x+WeirderOZ Tier X:3x
- 1/1:2x+WeirderOZ 1/1:3.5x

Holding NFTs with certain traits will unlock partner multipliers for that NFT. These multipliers stack on top of the base multiplier up to a total of 3.5x.
- Tavern Squad: WYRMCollection:WeirdOZ and WeirderOZAttribute:Object: Tavern Squad Ice StaffRate:All WeirdOZ and WeirderOZ earn .009 WYRM/day. Partner attribute earns .18 WRYM/day.Multiplier:1 Adventurer activates 2.5x multiplier on partner attributes. For all others, you get 1.5x multiplier on 10 WeirdOZ or WeirderOZ NFTs per Adventurer owned.
- Crypto Raggies: RAGCollection:WeirdOZAttribute:Object: Crypto RaggieRate:Partner attribute earns 10 RAG/day.Multiplier:5 Raggies to activate 1.5x multiplier
- Space Ape Club: SACTCollection:WeirdOZ and WeirderOZAttribute:Outfit: Space Ape Mutation SuitRate:All WeirdOZ and WeirderOZ earn 1 SACT/day. Partner attribute earns 2 SACT/day.Multiplier:1 Space Ape Club OG + 1 Radioactive Space Ape Club to activate 1.5x multiplier
- Cardania: RADCollection:WeirdOZAttribute:Outfit: Cardania Space SuitRate:84 RAD/dayMultiplier:1 Terraform or Citizens or Stamps to activate 1.5x multiplier
- Goat Tribe: GRASSCollection:WeirdOZAttribute:Character: Goat TribeRate:10 GRASS/dayMultiplier:1 OG Goat to activate 1.5x multiplier
- Veggiemates: GREENSCollection:WeirdOZ and WeirderOZAttribute:Character: Veggie MateRate:All WeirdOZ and WeirderOZ earn .05 GREENS/day. Partner attribue earns 1.5 GREENS/day.Multiplier:1 Veggie or 1 Junkie to activate 1.1x multiplier, 1 Franchise Pass or 1 Goof to activate 1.5x multiplier, 1 Franchise Pass and 1 Goof to activate 2x multiplier
- Derp Birds: $DERPCollection:WeirdOZAttribute:Character: Derp BirdRate:1 $DERP/dayMultiplier:1 Derp Bird 2.0 to activate 1.5x multiplier
- Phoenix Arena: WARICollection:WeirdOZ and WeirderOZAttribute:Companion: Phoenix ArenaRate:All WeirdOZ and WeirderOZ earn .12 WARI/day. Partner attribute earns 5 $WARI/day.Multiplier:Full Squad (1 Max, 1 Diver, 1 Fluffy) to activate 1.5x multiplier
- Vampire Invasion: bloodCollection:WeirdOZAttribute:Creature: Vampire InvasionRate:2.5 blood/dayMultiplier:1 Vampire, you get 1.5x multiplier. 1 Hell Knigts or The Attack on Vitalik or Mecha Stags to get 1.25x multiplier.
- Very Important Dummies: DUMCollection:WeirdOZ and WeirderOZAttribute:Character: Foolish Owl And Wise DonkeyRate:All WeirdOZ and WeirderOZ earn 3 DUM/day. Partner attribute earns 6 DUM/day.Multiplier:1 Dummy and 1 crashed dummy to activate 1.5x multiplier.
- Cryptoverse: CMCCollection:WeirdOZ and WeirderOZAttribute:Object: Seven Lost Signs Of TerrorRate:All WeirdOZ and WeirderOZ earn .3 CMC/day. Partner attribute earns .45 CMC/day.Multiplier:1.5x multiplier on 10 WeirdOZ or WeirderOZ NFTs per Cryptoverse NFT owned.
- Bankercoin: BANKCollection:WeirdOZ and WeirderOZAttribute:Outfit: Black SuitRate:All WeirdOZ and WeirderOZ earn 600 BANK/day. Partner attribute earns 1200 BANK/day.Multiplier:Hold 100M BANK to activate 1.2x multiplier. Hold 500M BANK to activate 1.5x multiplier.
- Stablecoin: STABLECollection:WeirdOZ and WeirderOZAttribute:Creature: SawhorseRate:All WeirdOZ and WeirderOZ earn 250 STABLE/day. Partner attribute earns 500 STABLE/day.Multiplier:Hold 10M STABLE to activate 1.2x multiplier. Hold 50M STABLE to activate 1.5x multiplier.
- PeePeeToken: PEEPEECollection:WeirdOZ and WeirderOZAttribute:Outfit: WizardRate:All WeirdOZ and WeirderOZ earn 50 PEEPEE/day. Partner attribute earns 250 PEEPEE/day.Multiplier:Hold 10M PEEPEE to activate 1.2x multiplier. Hold 25M PEEPEE to activate 1.5x multiplier. Hold 50M PEEPEE to activate 2x multiplier.
- AdaKonaCoin: KONDACollection:WeirdOZ and WeirderOZAttribute:Old One: YigRate:All WeirdOZ and WeirderOZ earn 325 KONDA/day. Partner attribute earns 650 KONDA/day.Multiplier:Hold 10M KONDA to activate 1.2x multiplier. Hold 50M KONDA to activate 1.5x multiplier.
- BOT: BOTCollection:WeirdOZ and WeirderOZAttribute:Object: Smart ContractRate:All WeirdOZ and WeirderOZ earn 2000 BOT/day. Partner attribute earns 4000 BOT/day.Multiplier:Hold 500M BOT to activate 1.2x multiplier. Hold 800M BOT to activate 1.3x multiplier. Hold 1.5B BOT to activate 1.5x multiplier.
- The Turtle Syndicate: TRTLCollection:WeirdOZ and WeirderOZAttribute:Outfit: Green TurtleneckRate:All WeirdOZ and WeirderOZ earn 1000 TRTL/day. Partner attribute earns 2500 TRTL/day.Multiplier:Hold 500M TRTL to activate 1.2x multiplier. Hold a Turtle to activate 2x multiplier.
- Nebula: NEBULACollection:WeirdOZ and WeirderOZAttribute:Creature: Cheshire CatRate:All WeirdOZ and WeirderOZ earn 2 NEBULA/day. Partner attribute earns 15 NEBULA/day.Multiplier:Hold Nebula Alpha Pass to actiavet 1.5x multiplier.
- Platypus Cyberpunks: VNMCollection:WeirdOZ and WeirderOZAttribute:Color: EmeraldRate:All WeirdOZ and WeirderOZ earn .3 VENOM/day. Partner attribute earns .6 VENOM/day.Multiplier:Hold a Platypus to activate 2x multiplier.
- Froggie Koin: FROGGIECollection:WeirdOZ and WeirderOZAttribute:Character: FrogmanRate:All WeirdOZ and WeirderOZ earn 600 FROGGIE/day. Partner attribute earns 1200 FROGGIE/day.Multiplier:Hold 42M FROGGIE to activate 1.69x multiplier.
- Krypto Threadz: KCCollection:WeirdOZ and WeirderOZAttribute:Outfit: IntruderOutfit: New IntruderRate:All WeirdOZ and WeirderOZ earn 7 KRYPTO/day. Partner attribute earns 14 KRYPTO/day.Multiplier:Hold a Graffiti Consortium to activate 2x multiplier.
- VOLDY: VOLDYCollection:WeirdOZ and WeirderOZAttribute:Character: Wicked Witch Of The WestRate:All WeirdOZ and WeirderOZ earn 70 VOLDY/day. Partner attribute earns 150 VOLDY/day.Multiplier:Hold 20M VOLDY to activate 2x multiplier.
- Stone Age Hooligans: HOOLIOCollection:WeirdOZAttribute:Outfit: ExplorerRate:All WeirdOZ with the Explorer outfit earn 1 HOOLIO/day.Multiplier:Hold 3 Hooligans, Hooligals, or Hoolibrats to activate 1.5x multiplier. Hold 5 to activate 2x multiplier.
- BAHB CNFT: HONEYCollection:WeirdOZ and WeirderOZAttribute:Color: AshesRate:All WeirdOZ and WeirderOZ earn 3 HONEY/day. Partner attribute earns 6 HONEY/day.Multiplier:Hold 3 BAHB CNFT to activate 2x multiplier
- RISK: RISKCollection:WeirdOZ and WeirderOZAttribute:Character: Guardian Of The GatesRate:All WeirdOZ and WeirderOZ earn 225 RISK/day. Partner attribute earns 500 RISK/day.Multiplier:Hold 1 Warthog Brigade to activate 2x multiplier
- Danketsu: NINJAZCollection:WeirdOZ and WeirderOZAttribute:Object: Sacrificial DaggerRate:All WeirdOZ and WeirderOZ with the Sacrificial Dagger object earn 150 NINJAZ/day.Multiplier:Hold 1 ADA Ninjaz Aramar to activate 1.5x multiplier. Hold 5 to activate 2x multiplier.
- Chibidango Heroes: DGEMSCollection:WeirdOZ and WeirderOZAttribute:Companion: Scorpio TotoRate:All WeirdOZ and WeirderOZ with the Scorpio Toto companion earn 4 DGEMS/day.Multiplier:Hold 1 Chibidango Hero to activate 1.5x multiplier. Hold 5 to activate 2x multiplier.
- Hyena Coin: HYCCollection:WeirdOZ and WeirderOZAttribute:Creature: ZoogRate:All WeirdOZ and WeirderOZ earn 1.3B HYC/day. Partner attribute earns 2.6B HYC/day.Multiplier:Hold 1 Hyena Coin VIP NFT to activate 2x multiplier.
- Steve3p_0: ChangeCollection:WeirdOZ and WeirderOZAttribute:Creature: BlinkieRate:All WeirdOZ and WeirderOZ earn 3 $Change/day. Partner attribute earns 6 $Change/day.Multiplier:Hold 1 Steve3p_0 NFT to activate 2x multiplier.
- Club of the Cherubim and Demon Hit Squad: BLESSCollection:WeirdOZ and WeirderOZAttribute:Companion: Angel Baby Hit SquadRate:All WeirdOZ and WeirderOZ earn .23 BLESS/day. Partner attribute earns .5 BLESS/day.Multiplier:Hold 1 Demon and 1 Cherubim to activate 2x multiplier.
- Crypto Baller Bots: CHEDDACollection:WeirdOZ and WeirderOZAttribute:Character: Queen Of The Field MiceRate:All Weirdoz and WeirderOZ earn 270M CHEDDA/day. Partner attribute earns 2.7B CHEDDA/day.
- OMEN: SNAILCollection:WeirdOZ and WeirderOZAttribute:Creature: King PastoriaRate:All WeirdOZ and WeirderOZ earn 1 SNAIL/day. Partner attribute earns 2 SNAIL/day.Multiplier:Hold 1 OMEN NFT to activate 2x multiplier.
- COPE: COPECollection:WeirdOZ and WeirderOZAttribute:Character: Terrible Old ManRate:All WeirdOZ and WeirderOZ earn 200 COPE/day. Partner attribute earns 600 COPE/day.
- Dirt Coin: $DIRTCollection:WeirdOZ and WeirderOZAttribute:Color: AshesRate:All WeirdOZ and WeirderOZ earn 300 $DIRT/day. Partner attribute earns 600 $DIRT/day.Multiplier:Hold 100M $DIRT to activate 2x multiplier
- ROGUE: ROGUECollection:WeirdOZ an WeirderOZAttribute:Object: NecronomiconRate:All WeirdOZ and WeirderOZ earn 2250 ROGUE/day. Partner attribute earns 4500 ROGUE/day.
- Neo Vikings: NVCollection:WeirdOZ and WeirderOZAttribute:Companion: Cat Of UltharRate:All WeirdOZ and WeirderOZ earn .01 NV/day. Partner attribute earns .02 NV/day.Multiplier:Hold 1 Neo Vikings NFT to activate 2x multiplier
- RUN: RUNCollection:WeirdOZ and WeirderOZAttribute:Character: Tik TokRate:All WeirdOZ and WeirderOZ earn 1 RUN/day. Partner attribute earns 2 RUN/day.Multiplier:Hold 10M RUN to activate 2x multiplier
- SLOP: SLOPCollection:WeirdOZ and WeirderOZAttribute:Creature: ZoogRate:All WeirdOZ and WeirderOZ earn 2 SLOP/day. Partner attribute earns 4 SLOP/day.Multiplier:Hold 1 Hog Sweeper Pass to activate 2x multiplier
- TEA: TEACollection:WeirdOZ and WeirderOZAttribute:Outfit: TeeRate:All weirdoz and WeirderOZ earn 1 TEA/day. Partner attribute earns 2 TEA/day.
- SQUEAK: SQUEAKCollection:WeirdOZ and WeirderOZAttribute:Companion: Chain Chillaz TotoRate:All WeirdOZ and WeirderOZ earn 2 SQUEAK/day. Partner attrubute earns 15 SQUEAK/day.Multiplier:Hold 1 Squeaker to activate a 2x multiplier
These tokens are not full partners, but we have purchased them to reward our holders for a limited time.
- Snek: SNEKCollection:WeirdOZ and WeirderOZAttribute:Companion: Taurus TotoRate:All WeirdOZ and WeirderOZ earn 3 SNEK/day. Partner attribute earns 5 SNEK/day.
- DGAF: DGAFCollection:WeirdOZ and WeirderOZAttribute:Companion: Virgo TotoRate:All WeirdOZ and WeirderOZ earn 300 DGAF/day. Partner attribute earns 600 DGAF/day.